Thursday, May 20, 2010

Documenting Worker's Case

Today our AWA Team had the privilege to listen and document the story of our friend Esteban Rivera, whom in 2009 lost his arm while cleaning a machine.

He is still going to therapy and is continuing with his recovery at a hospital in Toronto before returning to his homeland later this month. 

Still fresh in his memory, recounting that horrible day was not an easy task for our friend. Yet, he bravely volunteered to talk about his case in the hopes that his story could be told to other workers and perhaps in some ways encourage his "compaƱeros" (comrades) to stand up for their rights and voice their concerns with unsafe farm equipment or lack of it.

More importantly he challenged government authorities to really look at the current Health and Safety regulations and asked them to make the necessary adjustments to protect this vulnerable group of workers.

Thank you Esteban and we wish you the best as you return home.

The AWA Team

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